What makes a handbag “busy� Sometimes they don’t necessarily have to arrive with bright colors and bold logos, as even a single toned handbag with excess detailing can be too much for the more traditional bagista. I don’t have much experience with the ultimate unique and feminine designs of Lockheart, but I can’t help but stare at the new Cadence Braided Leather Hobo.
Make that an extra emphasis on the braided part, as the crafty design is found pretty much everywhere. There is knotting down the seams and middle, at the handles, decorating the pockets; anyone feel like this texture was a bit too overdone?
Such a sturdy looking piece, yet its offers a soft and feminine style that’s large enough for day wear. I say this hobo gives the impression that it wants to be discovered and with such lovely craftsmanship, this Lockheart deserves to be noticed and talked about.
At the moment, Grey is the only color you can find this style in, but who’s complaining, this hue allows the hobo and its magnificent braids to pop out even more. I adore the braided Cadence and the $595 price tag for this all-leather hobo is certainly reasonable.
Discover the fascinating designs of Lockheart through the Boutique at Saks Fifth Avenue