Celebrating Women at Fictiv: Candy Jin

Time to read: 3 min

Today we’re celebrating and honoring Candy Jin, our Strategic Sourcing Lead on our Feidi team in China. Candy joined Fictiv three years ago and is known for her contagious energy and negotiating prowess. Candy shared her thoughts on women’s history in China:

What is a women’s empowerment moment that impacted you?

Candy:  I think China “setting equality between men and women as a basic national policy” is the women’s empowerment moment that impacted me most. Before the founding of New China, women’s social level was very low, they couldn’t go to school or work, and they could only be accessories of men.

Women in ancient China did not enjoy the social or political status afforded to men. Women were subordinate first to their fathers, then their husbands, and finally, if they were a widow, they were subordinate to their sons in a system known as the “three followings” or sancong (三从四德).

Since New China was founded in 1949, it has been a basic state policy of China to promote equality between men and women. Those reforms and the opening-up policy in the late 1970s, along with the continuous growth of China’s economy and the overall progress of its society, have given women more guarantees of enjoyment of equal rights and opportunities with men. Now, women are being given unprecedented opportunities.

Who are some women you’ve looked up to?

Candy:  I’ve looked up to two women. One is XiaoQing Liu, who is a beautiful and famous actress and successful billionaire businesswoman in China. She’s now famous for playing the empress Wu Zetian, but she used to be a female soldier, a stage actress, and went to prison, but she never gave up. I have admired her since reading her book called Rise from the Ashes that she wrote three years ago. It reveals her fears from prison, heavy debt, hardship and a positive attitude of rising again with her talent.

The second woman I admire is Sheryl Sandberg, another well-known author, and successful businesswoman. I learned about Sheryl when a friend recommended her book called Lean In. In the book, she encouraged women to “sit at the table,” seek challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with gusto.

What does Women’s History Month mean to you?

Candy: It means that I must be more confident as a woman, know my strengths, give full play to my strengths in work and life, and have confidence.

What advice would you give other women looking to build a career in your field?

Candy: First, commit to continuous growth – in the workplace, it’s not wrong to work hard to succeed, but from the perspective of a sourcing manager, working hard is not all there is. More critical is growing in your career. Specifically, feeling that you have not only achieved “success,” but that you have a constant, positive drive that pushes you to confidently chase higher goals.

Second, improve your self-confidence. For example, if you’re in a meeting, even if you are the junior level on the team, don’t be afraid to speak up if you have an idea. 

Third, don’t be afraid of defeat. Troubles and difficulties always appear throughout one’s whole life. Don’t be afraid and don’t lose heart, just hold your head to look at the blue sky and take a deep breath, smile at them all. Last but not least, know yourself and be yourself!

How has Fictiv played a supportive part in women’s empowerment?

Candy: Fictiv always understands the workplace pursuits of new hires early in the hiring process and they leverage the strengths of a diverse team. Fictiv provides flexible working mechanisms for new mothers. Fictiv has mentors who can effectively help women’s career development. Fictiv is always encouraging women to demonstrate leadership and has implemented gender diversity from the beginning.

To learn more about life and careers at Fictiv, visit fictiv.com/careers.

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