Employee Spotlight – Jacob Philpot

In this month’s Employee Spotlight, we shine a light on Senior Account Manager, Jacob Philpot.

What was your first role at Redox? I was as a Sales Graduate fresh out of university in 2016 having completed a Bachelor of Science at Melbourne University. It took me a while to learn the ropes, however after settling in I gradually built up my patch to a significant amount. Something I am quite proud of.

What do you love most about working at Redox? The trust to work with your customers on all types of projects. As Redox is always looking to grow, reps are able to work with customers on new business we haven’t attempted before. This really helps the customer to open up and give us an insight into their business and give us an opportunity to help grow with the customer.

In 3 words describe Redox? Engaging, rewarding, supportive.

How has COVID19 affected the way in which our account managers interface with clients? Being based in Melbourne we have not been able to visit customers for almost 6 months, constant contact on the phone and using software like Zoom or Microsoft Teams becomes especially vital.

Are you seeing the effects of COVID amongst your customers? Fortunately a lot of customers have been able to continue to operate throughout the shutdowns, however the flow on effect from many industries shutting down and social distancing means many customers are operating with skeleton crews and have seen a decrease in demand and therefore production.

What is it like working from home, do you have any tips on how to stay focused on work? Setting up a designated working area such as a home office means that you can create that personal office feel right at home. It is essential to separate your work life from your home life when you are stuck in the home so much.

You’re in our Industrial team in Melbourne, that means you’ve got a wide variety of customers, can you tell us about that? The Industrial team brings with it a wide variety of customers from galvanisers to candle makers, surface coatings to explosives. You meet a lot of different people and learn a lot of applications so you are always learning about new processes which is a highlight for me.

We understand you’re quite a good lawn bowler? I am going into my 9th season of bowls at the Rosamond Bowling Club after my uncle, Peter, dragged me down after I finished playing basketball. Both sets of my grandfathers have played at the club and now myself, my uncle and cousin all play. We have a group of 10 under 30 years old playing which has brought a new dynamic into the club. It is a great social game, very tactical and a good way to meet a wide range of people – very much like being at Redox. I have also been on the committee of the club 5 years.

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