Margot Robbie’s Castmates Couldn’t Bear to Look at Her After Her Transformation into Queen Elizabeth

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Fact: Margot Robbie is stunning. But now she’s learning what it’s like to live as us mere average-looking mortals do — at least, with the help of some (okay, a lot) of stage makeup. 

In her Harper’s Bazaar cover story, the 28-year-old shared that taking on the role of Queen Elizabeth for Mary Queen of Scots was a life-changing experience, one that even affected her relationship with her co-stars. After Robbie underwent the three-and-a-half hour transformation each day into her character, her castmates “couldn’t bear to look at her,” according to writer Christine Lennon.

“I’d say, ‘Hey, how’s your weekend?’ But they wouldn’t even get close to me,” Robbie said. “It was very alienating. And I felt very lonely. It was an interesting social experiment.”

Perhaps they simply didn’t recognize Robbie, considering her massive makeover to become the queen? 

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She also confirmed that yes, to go from Margot Robbie to Victorian monarch took quite a bit of long, hard labor. 

“They’d start with a head wrap, gelling and pinning my hair down,” she explains. “Then we’d do a bald cap.” For her role, Robbie had to wear a number of different wigs, and prosthetic scarring had to be applied to her face since the queen had suffered from small pox as a child.

“Surprisingly, the quick part was the white makeup and the heavily drawn-on blush, eyebrows, lips,” she admitted.

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The Aussie revealed to the magazine that embracing her character’s unconventional looks made her better able to bring her character to life, because she was able to dig deeper into the queen’s psyche.

“Normally there’s someone who steps in and says, ‘No, keep all the girls look pretty!’ But Josie Rourke, the director, was keen to explore how Queen Elizabeth looks affected her relationships, and everyone had the guts to do it.”

While the actress’s breakout role may have been playing the “hottest blonde chick ever” in 2013’sThe Wolf of Wall Street, she doesn’t want to rely on her beauty for any future roles, which is why she started her own production company, Lucky Chap, in 2014.

“I didn’t want to pick up another script where I was the wife or the girlfriend— just a catalyst for the male story line,” she said. “It was uninspiring.”

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