Trump told Russians their ‘bad’ meddling is the same as ‘good’ US meddling – WaPo’s fresh Russiagate resurrection attempt

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With the US president facing a Ukraine-linked impeachment probe, the Washington Post has delivered a fresh ‘bombshell.’ Not only does Trump think nothing of Russian interference in 2016, he even said as much to the Russians!

The newspaper of record found a new way to flog the dead horse of collusion, treating its readers to outrageous details about a “now-infamous” meeting that Donald Trump had with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador to the US in May 2017. Trump told the Russian officials that he didn’t care much about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election “because the United States did the same in other countries.” However, the White House allegedly tried to cover up his comments.

Customarily helpful unnamed former officials told the WaPo how “distressed” they were by the remarks, in which Trump apparently forgave “Russia for an attack that had been designed to help elect him” and conflated “Russia’s interference in the US elections with US efforts to promote democracy and good governance abroad.

“He thought the whole interference thing was ridiculous. He never bought into it,” one of the sources told the newspaper.

This insight into the current administration is no big surprise to pretty much anybody who cared to pay attention. Trump never made it a secret that he saw the entire narrative that Russia somehow conducted an attack worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 against the US as bogus and a political ploy by his Democratic opponents to undermine his presidency.

And, of course, the well-documented American record of meddling in other nations goes far beyond the promotion of democracy and good governance, both in the past and now. People who subscribe to this notion say ‘Well, it’s for a good cause.’ But Trump’s “streak of moral equivalency,” as another former official called it, is seen as an abomination.

Robert Muller’s failure to find actual collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia was a major disappointment for the Russiagate crowd. But now, with the Democrats trying to get Trump over an alleged attempt to pressure Ukraine into producing dirt on Joe Biden, it seems the time has come to try and milk that cow again.


By Alexandre Antonov, RT

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