In yet another case of animal cruelty, an auto driver allegedly chained a stray dog to his vehicle and dragged it for over two kilometres on the roads in Jubilee Hills on Friday night. An animal rights activist noticed the brutality and rescued it. The canine, which suffered injuries, is reportedly in a critical condition. The incident, which took place around 7pm on Friday night, came to light after NGO People for Animals (PFA) volunteer Sravya Varma stopped the brutality and informed police about it.
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On receiving information about the incident, animal welfare organisation PFA activists lodged a complaint with Jubilee Hills police.
“The PFA volunteer rescued the dog and shifted it to Animal Care Clinic at Banjara Hills for initial treatment and then brought to PFA rescue home at Begum Bazaar, where it is currently battling for life,” Dattatreya Joshi of PFA told TOI.
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