There are 6,500 places available, double last year’s number, though organisers are still expecting them to sell out fast. Each Ironkids event involves a run, with the distance being determined by the child’s age.

Children at the lowest end of the scale must be accompanied by an adult and will race over a distance of 500m. Youngsters at the higher end of the scale will be running a distance of 2,000m.

There will be no finish times provided as the emphasis of the events is to have fun, but each entrant will receive a special commemorative Ironkids t-shirt and a medal on completion of their run.

The dates are:

– Ironkids Staffordshire on 13th June
– Ironkids Exmoor on 27th June
– Ironkids UK on 18th July
– Ironkids Wales on 12th September. 

To enter your child for an Ironkids event or for more information head to


Do you have a budding Brownlee or Stimpson taking part? Let us know in the comments!

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