Here at Bag Bliss, we are no strangers to convertible handbags. I mean, who doesn’t like to have options? Over the years, I have written about many handbags that could be worn in more than one way. And with each new style, I am amazed by the designer’s creativity. But what about a convertible handbag that isn’t all that ingenious?
Check out these Coach Alexandra bags. They can be worn 3 different ways as either a satchel, a crossbody bag, or a shoulder bag. And all of this was achieved through a very simple design. Sure the concept isn’t anything new, but these are still some very nice looking bags!
They are so sleek and classic-looking, the ideal basic handbag. Plus they come in a variety of fabrications. Choose from signature print fabrics (Op Art anyone?), croc-embossed leather, or Coach’s new Cervo Lux leather in a rainbow of colors. My thoughts?
Go for the Cervo Lux leather! It’s chrome-dyed and gently tumbled for a touchably soft feel and a slightly slouchy look. Plus it is polished for a pearlized sheen. Yummy! And since these are from Coach, you know that you are getting a sturdy handbag at an affordable price.
Shop the Coach Alexandra Collection at Macy’s! Prices range from $298 to $498!
The Chat: alexandra!