RAW Tag Team Titles Match: Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
We go to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins. Braun Strowman comes out next and marches to the ring. Strowman poses for the crowd as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes The OC. WWE United States Champion AJ Styles is out first as his music hits. He waits as RAW Tag Team Champions Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson come out next to their music. The OC heads to the ring together. We get formal ring introductions from Rome before the match.
The bell rings and Braun meets Gallows in the middle of the ring. Strowman shoves back and they go at it. Strowman unloads early on and levels Gallows with a big shoulder. Rollins tags in and leaps off the top while Braun holds Gallows. Rollins still has his ribs taped up. Gallows turns it around and sends Rollins into the corner. Anderson joins in and comes in off the tag. Anderson beats Rollins down in the corner as AJ cheers them on from ringside. Rollins fights back and clotheslines Anderson. More back and forth now. Rollins ends up dropkicking Anderson off the apron, then leaping off the apron with a knee to Gallows’ head. Rollins is distracted by AJ for just a second. This leads to Gallows and Anderson engaging Rollins on the outside next. Gallows drops Rollins’ injured ribs over the barrier a few times. We go to commercial with Rollins down on the outside.
Back from the break and Rollins kicks Anderson to get an opening, then deck Gallows on the apron. Anderson catches Rollins with a big Spinebuster for a 2 count. Anderson keeps control and climbs up in the corner for a superplex. Rollins fights him off and sends him to the mat. Anderson runs into a big boot. Rollins comes off the top with a big Blockbuster. Fans rally for Braun to make the tag. Gallows tags in and stops Rollins from reaching Braun. Gallows chokes Rollins on the ropes as the referee warns him. AJ approaches Rollins at ringside but Braun stops him. Gallows comes from behind and shoves Braun into the ring post. Gallows drops Braun again and returns to the ring but Rollins superkicks him. Rollins looks to tag but Braun is down on the outside. Rollins with a Slingblade to Gallows. Rollins takes turns running wild on both opponents now. Gallows counters but Rollins sends him over the top rope to the floor. Rollins runs the ropes and his a suicide dive to Gallows, sending him into the barrier. Rollins returns to the ring with a Falcon Arrow on Anderson for a close 2 count. Anderson and Rollins trade shots now.
Rollins goes to the top but AJ shoves him off as Anderson has the referee distracted. Gallows tags in for the double team slam to Rollins. Rollins kicks out at 2 and Gallows can’t believe it. Gallows and Anderson talk some trash but Rollins fights off the Magic Killer. Anderson decks him and they double team him now. Gallows holds Rollins on the outside as AJ prepares to deck him while Anderson has the referee distracted. Braun runs out of nowhere and runs over AJ, then Gallows to save Rollins. Rollins finally counters Anderson in the ring and gets the hot tag to Braun. Braun runs wild on Anderson, then Gallows as he comes in. Strowman goes on and hits the running powerslam to Anderson in the middle of the ring. AJ runs in but Rollins stops him with a Stomp. Strowman covers Anderson for the win and the titles.
Winners and New RAW Tag Team Champions: Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins
– After the match, Strowman and Rollins stand tall and take their titles as the music hits and the crowd pops. The OC is not happy. We go to replays. We come back to Strowman and Rollins posing for the crowd as Braun’s music hits. Rollins and Strowman head to the stage to pose with the titles as the pops continue from the crowd. They raise their arms and Strowman grabs the WWE Universal Title belt while in the air. Rollins and Strowman exchange a look and some tension as RAW goes off the air.
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