Cardanol based polyamine coatings for anti-corrosive applications

Stroke rehabilitation system

Cardanol was successfully converted to polyamine resins. The fabricated coatings were hydrophobic and depicted excellent corrosion resistance.

A new study deals with the synthesis of polyamine (PA) resin-based coatings from cardanol (Col) with three different ratios (PA1-PA3). PA1 coatings seemed to have the best physico-mechanical properties and are considered to be the optimum composition for the preparation of durable coatings. Thermal analysis was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) which revealed that these coatings were stable up to 520 °C. Contact angle values (117°) suggested that the PA1 coating has self-cleaning ability and less wettability. The corrosion inhibition efficiency of these coatings was examined through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) investigations. The superior corrosion inhibition properties of PA1 (one-component) coatings were compared with reported Col-based epoxy (two-component) coatings.

Less consumption of energy, time, and material

As the researchers point out, such one-component coatings may be used in place of epoxy coatings that could eliminate the usage of two-component coatings resulting in less consumption of energy, time, and material. Moreover, their work supports an approach for the synthesis of green polymeric coating using economic precursors in absence of expensive catalysts/solvents.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 174, January 2023.

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