It’s the biggest sporting day on the planet. If you’re reading this, chances are you and a billion and a half of your closest friends will be watching the Hup Oranje and La Furia Roja battle it out for world supremacy. Lucky you.
Me? I’ll be in the cool comforts of the air conditioned television truck parked just outside Rangers Stadium in Arlington.
Which means I won’t get to watch the game, or at the very least give it its due attention.
One of the most attractive finals in years, and I’ll be busy judging the relevance of whether or not we should show the graphic of a base runner’s stealing percentage on Sunday day games after sitting out the night before and playing on an empty stomach.
My question is, should I go for the full media black out and not watch the game until I get home (my good lady wife is DVRing the game), or should I get the occasional updates from the tape guys (who kick ass at their jobs, by the way) and steal a few glances at the game during commercial breaks?
Dare I tempt the fates, whose hints have been so muddled that our animal soothsayers have offered contradicting opinions as to the outcome of the game? I don’t think I want to wait, but I want to see the game in its entirety.
So please don’t tell me what happened.
Now I have to figure out a way to keep the tape guys quiet.