Specialty Series | NHRA

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Clinched playoff berth

‘ );
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Live Timing is experiencing connectivity difficulties. It will be back to normal within the hour.

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NHRA – National Hot Rod Association



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    NHRA Series

    NHRA oversees many special series and programs within the structure of its racing programs

    Riders earn points for the Mickey Thompson Tires Pro Bike Battle during qualifying at NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series events. The eight riders accumulating the most qualifying points leading up to the NHRA Sonoma Nationals  earn a berth in the Mickey Thompson Tires Pro Bike Battle. [Current points standings]

    The Denso Spark Plugs 200-mph Club will honor the first four racers in racers in the Pro Stock Motorcycle category who surpass the 200-mph barrier. The initial racer who sets the national record will receive $10,000. An additional $10,000 will be split amongst the following three riders who join this exclusive club. [More info]

    The NHRA Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League offers kids ages 5-17 a chance to race half-scale dragsters in a controlled environment at many of NHRA’s 130 member tracks throughout the United States and in Canada. The cars that Jr. Drag Racing League competitors race are called Jr. Dragsters and are half-scale versions of Top Fuel dragsters. Using a five-horsepower, single-cylinder engine, a Jr. Dragster can go as fast as 85 mph and as quick as 7.90 seconds in an eighth-mile, though younger age groups are restricted to slower times/speeds. [Official website]

    Formed in 2009, the NHRA Hot Rod Heritage Racing Series crowns year-end points champions in 14 categories. The Hot Rod Heritage Racing Series year-end points champions in each of the 14 classes will receive a gold Wally trophy; Champion’s jacket and hat; and a cash award. [Official website]

    The NHRA Manufacturers Cup is awarded to the automobile manufacturer whose current-year models earn the most points for qualifying and category victories at NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series national and Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series regional and divisional events will be awarded the NHRA Manufacturers Cup for performance achievement at the end of the season. [Current points standings]

    The SAMTech.edu NHRA Factory Stock Showdown is designed to showcase competition between Chevrolet COPO Camaro, Ford Mustang Cobra Jet and the Dodge Mopar Challenger Drag Pak entries. The series has seen increased car counts at races across the country and rabid interest from fans of the series.

    The popular Mickey Thompson Tires Top Fuel Harley Drag Racing Series will compete at 10 events on the 2019 NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series schedule. The first race of the season will take place at the season opening Lucas Oil NHRA Winternationals.

    The Moser Engineering Sportsman Shootout follows sportsman competitors in several categories of the Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series including Super Stock, Stock Eliminator, Super Comp, Super Gas, Super Street, Top Dragster and Top Sportsman and pits them against on another in special events in NHRA Divisions 2, 3, and 4.


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    Countdown to the 50th Gatornationals

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Mins
  • Secs
  • ‘);
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    function pad(n) {
    return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n;
    }, 50);

    window.addEventListener(“load”, function () {
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    //Adjust hero image for Kall out Kings page on mobile
    if (jQuery(window).width() 0) {
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    // Winners add missing FSS row
    if (window.location.href.indexOf(“/results/2019/nhra-mello-yello-drag-racing-series/22976”) > 0 || window.location.href.indexOf(“/results/2019/nhra-mello-yello-drag-racing-series/22976/winners”) > 0 ) {
    $(“.table.table–winner tr:last”).after(‘

    Beau Layne Drew Skillman Factory Stock Showdown


    document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function(event) {
    var $intervalSlots = [];
    // NOTE: After DOM has loaded I’ve delayed the refresh a bit more for safe measure
    var trevdas = document.querySelectorAll(‘.trevda__dfp[id]’);
    var trevdaSlots = [];
    for (j = 0; j 0 ) {
    if ( val.slotId == $slotId && val.refreshInterval && 0 < val.refreshInterval ) {
    var slot = gptadslots[trevdas[j].getAttribute('id')];
    var intervalSlot = {slot: slot, interval: val.refreshInterval};
    setSlotIntervals( $intervalSlots );
    }, 500);
    function setSlotIntervals( intervalSlots ) {
    intervalSlots.forEach( function(intervalSlot){
    // Convert to seconds
    var interval = intervalSlot.interval * 1000;
    setInterval(function() {
    }, interval);

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