Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who spoke to overflow crowds in Iowa and Minnesota over the weekend following his official campaign kick-off in Vermont last Tuesday, is gaining traction with both the press and the public.
Several news outlets have pointed out that Sanders appears to have more momentum behind his nascent White House bid than former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, the Democrat who announced his own presidential aspirations in Baltimore on Saturday.
“O’Malley, who formally launched his candidacy Saturday, not only faces a dominant front-runner in Hillary Rodham Clinton but is also being upstaged by Sanders, the shrewd self-styled socialist senator from Vermont who has made an early and successful play for Clinton skeptics in the party base,” wrote Michael A. Memoli in the LA Times.
At MSNBC, Alex Seitz-Wald reported:
“Sanders—a self-described socialist who many party leaders consider an unlikely standard-bearer—has started to rise in the polls, while O’Malley is hovering in the low single digits,” John Wagner reported for the Washington Post. “At campaign stops in early states and elsewhere, the firebrand from Vermont is drawing enthusiastic crowds that are several times larger than those that gather for O’Malley.”
But Sanders is nipping at more heels than just O’Malley’s.
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The New York Times, in a piece titled “Challenging Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Gains Momentum in Iowa,” reported on a text message exchange between Kurt Meyer, an Iowa Democratic Party county party chairman, and Troy Price, Clinton’s Iowa political director.
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