WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle took some time to answer questions on his official Facebook page this weekend; something the Olympic gold medalist does regularly.
When asked if he had any advice for those struggling with drug abuse, Angle very bluntly shared from his own experiences with addiction, claiming “When you’re high, people don’t want to affiliate with [you]unless they are an addict,” urging addicts to “grow up” and “take responsibility” for their lives.
“Grow up. Abusing drugs is childish. Take responsibility and realize that you can’t live this way or you won’t live much longer. There is more to life than being high all of the time. It’s not easy staying clean but if you do it, others will take notice. When you’re clean, you’re never alone. People want to be around you. When you’re high, people don’t want to affiliate with a drug addict, unless they are an addict. Take it one day at a time and remember that being clean and fighting your addiction puts you in an unprecedented class. There are millions of addicts. 10% go to rehab. Of those 10%, only 5% stay in recovery. That means if you’re staying clean, you’re in that less than 1% that are in recovery. I find it very rewarding that I’m in that class. I’m very proud of it.”