WWE Superstar, Alicia Fox took to Instagram yesterday to open up about her battle with alcoholism in a very honest and revealing post.
Within the post, she noted that she’s been sober for several months now after receiving treatment. Fox also went on to state that she is now interested in helping others with their issues by sharing her personal experiences.
🤔💕… for a WHILE I thought I could avoid addressing my #recovery of alcohol. I am human, and realized it was time to be #transparent and #honest w you #socialmedia now written on #cyberconcrete 👀💕 TODAY, Im a few months #sober, I’ve creatively navigated my emotions, snagged some new skills AND I WANT TO HELP!!! Ive learned that alcoholism is life threatening situation and support is available!! I figured I can share my insight and BE of SERVICE to anyone finding it hard to believe that ‘YOU ARE IMPORTANT’ and deserve an opportunity to learn how to live a clean and sober life… it would be an honor to share my #hope, #strength, and #experience 🙌🏾✨ SNAIL MAIL ME at @resilienceamongmankind 3948 3rd Street South suite #442; Jacksonville Beach 32250 🌻💕 I’m inviting everyone to a safe social place to discuss and expand understanding of our transforming minds 🙏✨ #fancyasfox 🦊#foxyladies are in #recovery too!! Ok! Thx for allowing me get that off my chest!! 🐏 💨✨#rambrand #resilienceamongmankind V. III. x.
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